This is my still image of Jim from Treasure Planet using his flying Wind surfer.
Thursday, 27 June 2013
My Kiwi Quiz News Results By Yvette
This is Yvette's kiwi quiz news results. This term we have been answering the questions to the kiwi quiz news. Mis Eeles has shown us the kiwi quiz news so she should get the credit. This week I have had bad results. I scored 50%, but all the other times I did better. This is my beautiful chart.
Kiwi Kids News quiz results By Yvette
This is the classes and me and my partner (Lavinia) quiz results. We have answered 50% correct out of 10%. I believe my partner and I did well because we worked together and tried hard. I also believe we could do better next time if we watch the news every day.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Evaluating The Classroom Environment By Yvette
I am evaluating the classroom environment. I wrote down what I think works in the classroom, what doesn't work in our classroom and what would I change in the classroom and why.
My Ideal Classroom Plan by Yvette
My Ideal Classroom plan!
In my ideal classroom plan I would like bean bags in the bottom left corner of the classroom because I would be comfortable while doing my work and I would do my work faster since I am in a spot that suits my comfort. I would also like a theatre in my ideal classroom. The theatre would be a whole new room, like a room inside a room. I know with a theatre in your classroom it would be good use for watching DVD’s and a recording studio. I would put the theatre in the top right corner. I would put a wet area (art area) (a room inside a room) in my ideal classroom as well. With a wet area, we could do our artwork without worrying about paint falling on the ground because it would be in a room. In my ideal classroom I will always have desks, computers, doors, netbook cupboards, bins and whiteboards. In my ideal classroom I would want my desks to be different levels and shapes. I would like to have a low table, high table, criss cross table and single desks. I would have my desks and tables next to the whiteboard which would be in the middle(centre) of the classroom. I would also include a circle lounge and another lounge shaped as a L. The last things I would have in my ideal classroom plan is the teachers desk and a bookshelf.
My Reading Group Activity Worksheet Answers - Yvette
Ruby Group 1
Title: Be inspired - the Smokefree Stage Challenge
School Journal Part 4, Number 2, 2001
1. What does the Smoke Free Stage Challenge entail?
2. What was the students idea and how did they base their item around?
Their ideas were to develop a storyline, dance and music sequence. The students wanted their performance to reflect New Zealand and the unity of its people.They decided to feature the New Zealand national anthem.
3. How did they plan the storyline?
They put all their ideas up on a whiteboard and then put all the good ideas in sequence.
4. Why was it important to do the Haka?
Because they have performed the haka in front of assembly sometimes and Jamie O. knows all the words.
5. What was Alesha’s role?
She helped teach the others how to dance and onstage she played the role of a diva ( famous singer ) and mimed the words to the National Anthem.
6. Who was Gemma?
The sixth former who handled the choreography.
7. Why did Alesha like her job?
Because she got to teach the other kids the dance moves.
8. What was the hardest thing to do?
Was to smile while dancing
9. How did Alesha teach Hineora?
They would go to Gemma’s house and practice.
10. Why was the Haka difficult?
Remembering to look serious.
11. How did Andrew perfect his role?
By being in charge of the lighting.
12. How many rehearsals did they have before the final performance?
3 rehearsals.
13. What were some of the problems the students faced?
*They couldn’t get the lighting to work
* Andrew needed to learn how to run different equipment and they didn’t have much time.
*It was really hot onstage.
*Hineora was getting stressed at the rehearsal.
*Sometimes everything went black in the middle of a dance.
*Andrew had about four hundred new buttons to operate.
14. How was the lighting a different set up?
Because it was all computerised, and he had four hundred new buttons to operate.
15. Describe how everyone felt about the big night
*They were shaking
*Really focused
16. What position did the school come?
Performers Choice Award of Excellence.
17. What other project was commissioned?
Pou (carved post or pole) to stand at the school’s entrance.
18. How will this performance be different?
This time they would be performing without lighting or stage.Ruby Group 1
Title: Be inspired - the Smokefree Stage Challenge
School Journal Part 4, Number 2, 2001
Monday, 24 June 2013
My Flipping ebook on Present Education By Yvette
This is my Flipping ebook on Present Education. I believe I did well because I have included many subjects and wrote down what I believe.
My Maths Whizz results By Yvette
This is my latest Maths Whizz results. I have improved 0.03 and my time limit around 30 minutes a week which is not really good.
My speech By Yvette
This is my speech on should schools in New Zealand have Cafeterias. I truly think I did well because I put in everything I needed in my speech and found statistics and websites that supported me. I believe we should have Cafeterias for many reasons. Check out my speech and you would know my reasons.
Friday, 21 June 2013
My Ideal Classroom Plan By Yvette
This is my ideal classroom plan. I have put in everything I think will make a good classroom. We were pretending that if our school had a loud of money, what would we want our classroom look like. We had to have computers, desks, Whiteboard, chairs and doors. In my plan I put in Bean Bags, Lounge area, Circle lounge, Single Desks, Criss Cross Desk, High Table, Low Table, A Wet Area/Art Area(a room inside a Room and many more. I hope you like my ideal classroom.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Drama with Mis Eeles By Yvette
This week for drama we did a liquid picture. A liquid picture is when a group of people come up with a movement action and one by one they show their movement action. They show their action by walking up from their space like a catwalk and go back then freeze. In my group of people (Lavinia, Latisha, Tim and Yvette - Me) We came up with an action. For my action - Yvette I did an alien action, Lavinia did a 3-dimensional car. Tim did a robot and Latisha was a on a flying board. Afetr we did that we needed to come up with sounds that matches my action. For my alien noise I did guuuurrrrrnnnnnnaaaaaaa and along with stomping my feet. I know we did well because we worked hard and helped each other out.
My Kiwi Quiz results By Yvette
This is a chart on how much we got on our kiwi kid quiz. M partner and I (Yvette and Lavinia) scored 80% on our time around. I think we did really well because we worked hard and scored over half I think I need to watch ore news.
Monday, 17 June 2013
This is my blog comment to Fine on her Rubric
- Yvette said...
- Hi Fine,
By the looks of it you have done a very good job. I know you have done really well because I heard your speech and I was the one who marked the sheet. I truly think you do not need to have a Rubric because you did really well.
From Yvette - 17 June 2013 13:49
- I have made a comment to Fine on her Rubric.
My Speech Feedback By Yvette
This is my speech feedback from fine. I have done well in most parts. I know i did really well in loud clear voice. I am impressed with my feedback.
My argument Writing plan By Yvette.
This my Writing argument plan. I have put done my introduction, First idea, Second idea and Third idea. This is about should Schools around the globe have homework.
My T-Chart on Should Students Around The Globe Have Homework By Yvette
This is my T-chart on should students around the globe have homework. I have planned my ideas in a T-Chart and soon i'm going to turn it into an argument. I have got 5 for reasons and 3 against reasons.
My Speech On Should Panmure Bridge School and other Schools in New Zealand Should have a Cafeteria By Yvette
Should Schools New Zealand have a Cafeteria.
I believe Schools in New Zealand especially Panmure Bridge School should have a Cafeteria. How will students get to school in time if they live far away?, How will parents make their kids lunches if they go to work early?, Why does cafeteria food taste better than supermarket food. When I mean supermarket food. The junk food in the supermarket like soda drinks, chippy packets and sweets?, How is cafeteria food sometimes healthier than flavoured junk from dairies and from supermarkets, and What do statistics say about this.
If students live further away from school and walk to school, it saves time for them to get to school instead of buying unhealthy food from dairies when you can order food from the Cafeteria at school, also you won’t get in trouble for coming late.
Sometimes parents don’t have enough time to make their own kids lunches in the morning because they work an early shift in the morning. Students might not be able to make their own lunches as well because their parents drop them off to school at the same time they go to work because they are not allowed to stay at home by themselves.
When you buy food from the Cafeterias it taste better than the food you get from supermarkets or dairies. When you buy food from supermarkets or dairies it doesn’t taste as good because it could be rotten or old, sometimes expired, it could also have so much fat. If you don’t like the food you get from the supermarket you would probably would want to throw it away. I know I wouldn’t want to throw Cafeteria food away. I have been to a lot of Cafeterias and none of their food taste yuck.
Cafeterias might provide healthier food than sugary food from diaries. When I mean sugary food from dairies The lollies from the dairies and chocolate, and food from supermarkets. Sometimes people don’t see how much fat and sugar are in their food they buy, when there's too much fat and sugar in your food you can get fat and obese. When you buy food from the Cafeteria at school it would probably be healthier because the school would want to look out for your health.
According to health and children @ cafeteria food some cafeterias in schools are sealing healthy fresh food from their local farm. With the healthy food in their environment it can reduce fatness and obesity, also it would help you grow healthy and strong. Now that they are stopping sealing junk food and sugary food students won’t get obese and fat, instead you would get strong and healthy. According to stats-on-your-childs school-lunches many studies have found that lunches from home are worse than lunches at school. Children who ate lunch at school got more nutrients in their meals than kids responsible for bringing their own lunches. Too many salty, sweet and nutrient-poor snack foods make up lunches brought from home.
I have searched a lot of websites. Most of them say kids are getting obese and fat from these food they sell. I have found out that Fruit was offered at nearly half the schools, with one giving it to students free. Just 30 per cent had sushi on the menu, while nearly all offered sandwiches or salad rolls. Four schools had a water-only policy so did not sell soft drinks. In 2006, the Education Minister at the time, Steve Maharey, and Green MP Sue Kedgley announced a $3- million-a-year nutrition fund to help schools provide healthier food. The Greens surveyed school canteens that year. I know Cafeterias and other food shops are getting rid of the junk and bringing back the healthy foods.
Therefore I feel Panmure Bridge School should have a healthy food cafeteria, where we can go and get morning tea and lunch at our convenience.
My latest Maths Whizz Results By Yvette
This is my Maths Whizz Results. If you can see, I have attempted 14 exercises and 15 tests. I have progressed 0.0. My Current age is 9.15. I am doing really well with my tests. I need to spend more tome on Maths Whizz.
My Ven Diagram on Comparing past and Present Education By Yvette
This is my Ven Diagram on Comparing past and present education. I have done 6 Past and present comparing and 5 similarities. My ideas were Subjects, Lunch, Marriage, Time limits, Clothes and uniform. For my similarities I did Tables/desks, Stationary, Classrooms, Subjects and Rules. I hope you like it.
Friday, 14 June 2013
My Latest Xtra Math results. By Yvette
This is my Xtra Math results. If you can see, I am on my division. I got 50 correct and 4 wrong. That means I had 54 questions all together. I got stuck on dividing the number 56. I know I did well because I worked hard and got most of them correct.
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Drama with Mis Eeles
We created 3 frezze frams showing schools of the past, schools of the present and schools of the future. I can not show you the picture because i can't take a screen shot, so i am going to tell you in detail. For first, the people in my group was Latisha, Lavinia, Tim and I - Yvette. For schools of the past we did a freeze frame of Lavinia being the teacher and giving tim the strap - NOT REAL. Tim and I was sitting on the mat with our legs crossed and our arms crossed with our bachs straight. For the schools of the present Tim and Latisha was pretending they were on their netbooks while sitting on the floor. Lavinia was pretending she was texting and I was pretending I was ringing someone on a phone. Last but not least, the schools for the future. All of us - Lavinia, Latisha, Tim and I were preten ding that we were flying. It was so funny. I hope you like my retell :0. Catch you later :)
My Kiwi quiz news results By Yvette
This is my kiwi quiz results. I worked on the quiz with my buddy Lavinia. We got 50%. I think we did well because we worked hard and worked as a team.
Monday, 10 June 2013
My Maths Work. By Yvette
This is my maths work. I am learning how to subtract 1 from 5 -6 digit numbers. My number was 57,049. I subtracted 1 from the ones column and got 57,048. My other number was 13,2696. I looked at the last column and took away 1 and got 13,2695.
My classroom scale plan By Yvette
Yvette’s classroom scale plan
This is my classroom scale plan. Miss Paton’s desk is diagonal the door. The teachers desk is opposite the art paper. The computer by itself is opposite the teachers desk. The bookshelf is opposite the smallest desk. The smallest desk is opposite the whiteboard. The teachers cupboard is diagonale the Maths area. The towels in the art area are diagonale the bin area. The net book cupboards are opposite the bookshelf. The whiteboard is opposite the middle table. The door next to the bookshelf is not opposite the other door.
My latest Maths Whizz results
This is my Maths Whizz results. I have attempted 10 exercises and attempted 6 tests. My age at start was 9.03.
Friday, 7 June 2013
My Flipping e book on past education
This is my Flipping e book on past education
Thursday, 6 June 2013
The classes results and my results on the Kiwi Kid quiz
This is my classes results and my own. I did the quiz with my partner Lavinia. We got 60%. I think we did not that well because last time we did the quiz we got 100% and this time we got 60%. But apart from that we did good because we worked together as a team.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
My Xtra Math results
This is my Xtra Math results. I am on my division. I am still learning
how to do my 7,8,9 and 4 division facts.
My Maths Whizz results.
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This is Maths whizz results. It shows how many minutes have done and my progress. I have improved little because I have not done much maths whizz that week.
My Maths Whizz results. By Yvette
This is my Maths Whizz results. I am doing Mental Calculation Strategies. I am doing well so far. Wish me well.
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