
Friday 27 February 2015

Room 5's collaborative KWL chart - Yvette

This is a collaborative KWL chart room 5 completed about the Treaty of Waitangi. The K means what we know, the W means what we want to learn and the L means what we leanrt. I hope you learn new and interesting facts about the Treaty of Waitangi.

Treaty of Waitangi
LI: To use a KWL chart help us think about the Treaty of Waitangi

KWL charts help us to record the facts we know, the facts we want to find out and the facts we have learnt

  • 6 February 1840

  • Signed between the Maori and the British

  • Written in 2 languages - Maori/English

  • Both sides wanted to end the conflict so they signed the Treaty

  • It was written on a scroll
  • Waitangi Day is celebrated in NZ every year on February 6

  • The Treaty was signed at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands
  • What is a treaty?

  • What is the Treaty of Waitangi?

  • Why was the Treaty written in two languages?

  • What did the Treaty offer?

  • Why did the Maori want a treaty with the British Crown?

  • Who was involved?

  • What went wrong?

  • How people have tried to resolve these problems?

  • An agreement to find peace between two people who have conflict
  • A way of ending conflict

  • TOW is an agreement between the British and the Maori as a way of ending the conflict between them
  • TOW is an agreement between the British and the Maori to make NZ a safer place

  • So both the Maori and British could understand it and what each other wants
  • Because both the British and Maori were not able to understand each others languages

  • Article One: The Queen (or king) of Great Britain has the right to rule over New Zealand.
  • Article Two: The Maori chiefs can keep their land and their chieftainships. The Maori agree to sell their land only to the British monarch.
  • Article Three: All Maori have the same rights as British subjects.

  • To keep the peace in NZ and make it safe with laws

  • Maori Chiefs, British Queen, James Busby, William Hobson

  • In the translation they used the wrong words which caused a bit of confusion

  • Protests
  • Hikois (march against wrong doing)
  • Waitangi tribunal
  • Agree on settlements (eg: money or land)

  • Waitangi Day used to be called New Zealand Day. The name changed in 1974.

Rm 5/6 statistical inquiry - Yvette

Room 5 and 6 worked together in partners or groups to inquire a statistical investigation linked to our inquiry topic this term - 'All about me'.  You can find my statistical investigation poster in previous posts. 

Reflective word cloud - Yvette

This is my reflective word cloud. It includes my family name, born country, my culture, my parents culture, religion and other words that are meaningful to my famly. I have drawn, coloured in with vivid and cut out my silhouette of my face. I will be glueing my face silhouette next to my reflective word cloud. This word cloud is art inspired by the american artist John Clark. 

Reading History Pathway - Yvette

This is my reading history pathway. It shows my favourite books from the age 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and now. My favourite series of all time is Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver. 

Thursday 26 February 2015

Yvette and Silivia - Room 5 and 6 comparison

This is Silivia and I information poster about the students in room 5 and 6 who speak another language other than english at home. I have two different charts which show the language spoken and the amount of students who speak it. 

Tuesday 24 February 2015


This is my group art photo. We had to work collaboratively during the whole process of creating each image. The art was based around our topic 'all about me'. The images combine each participants heritage from the country they live in and the country their family originated from.

Monday 23 February 2015

Identity Quiz


These are two screenshots of before and after of the identity quiz. I was asked three questions about a photo. I correctly answered all the questions. This quiz is about identity - about what it means to be a New Zealander. 

Friday 20 February 2015

Homework T1 W3 - Yvette


This is my brochure I created on Rangitoto for my homework. The first image is my inside brochure and the second image is my outside brochure. I hope you learn new and interesting facts about this island.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Current Events

This is an information poster on the 'Water Run' created by my partner (Fine) and I. It's about Shi Lilang breaking the record for running across water. He had improved phenomenally from his previous best (4 metres) until now (118 metres). 

Friday 13 February 2015

Current events

This is my current events on the drowning of a fisherman in his early 60's on the edge of the Whangarei Harbour. He was suspected to have been in a fishing mishap when the incident occured. 

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Letter to T4 self

Dear Term Four Yvette,      

Hopefully, by the time you have read this letter you have achieved your desire to learn how to answer questions about fractions and improper fractions. In order to have achieved this goal you would have needed to persevere inside and outside school grounds. Did you also achieve a larger vocabulary list by using a thesaurus? I wonder if you have memorised the answer to 12 x 12 and 12 x 11 during the past few terms? Hopefully your reading levels have progressed during the year by your constant reading at home. By the time you have read this you would probably be heading to college in a couple months and graduation and prize giving would be near. I wish you the best of luck in college xoxo :)

Read you in December
From, Term One Yvette

Above is a letter I wrote to my term four future self. This letter includes what I want to achieve and how I will achieve them. My main goal in the letter is to learn how to answer fraction and improper fraction problems. I want to achieve all my goals before school finishes so when I start college I can start with fresh goals instead of old burdens. 

Thursday 5 February 2015

Homework T1 W1

Room 5's homework task was to create an information poster on a kiwiana item or icon that has family connection. My Kiwiana family connection was Mt Cook. My poster includes the family connection, the meaning of Kiwiana, the location and how it is linked to Kiwiana. 

PBS care values - Yvette

This is a presentation including images of how my group and I show the PBS care values.