
Friday 18 April 2014

My Retell

the Kingdom of Fantasy

Geronimo Stilton never expected to find a golden staircase in his attic. But one day he did! At the top of the stairs, there was a door. And beyond the door was a world he could have ever imagined - the Kingdom of Fantasy! Geronimo Stilton set off an incredible adventure to save the Queen of Fairies. Along the way, he had to face giant scorpions, witches, sea serpents, annoying pixies and dozens of other fantastical creatures. During his journey he had picked up a few friends to guide him through the different kingdoms. Geronimo and his 7 friends from nearly each Kingdom decided to name themselves as the "Order of the Fairy Queen". At the start of his journey he had brought along a music box that found in his attic which belonged to Queen Blossom. Every time they had crossed through a door to another Kingdom the music box would play a note and a present would appear. The music box is special box which every time Geronimo and his friends cross into a kingdom the box knows what would be a good peace offering present to the creatures and in return for the present the creatures would show Geronimo the next door to the other Kingdom.

1 comment:

Ms. Kirkpatrick said...

Sounds like this was en enjoyable story to read!

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